SmartMoves offers much more than Web-based surveys and assessments to help you connect with your business goals. If you want to equip your managers and human resources professionals with the skills they need to improve your workforce from the inside out, consider enrolling them in our interviewing skill training in performance-based interviewing. These seminars can help your decision makers to understand how to define profiles of their ideal candidates, effectively examine the past performance of employee prospects and maintain objectivity by evaluating performance first and personality second.
When you train your hiring decision makers with the most powerful interviewing skills and equip them with effective hiring tests and new hire orientation tools, you can be confident that your workforce will improve dramatically. Please call our offices at 1-800-700-6507 if you would like to learn more about the schedules, locations and itineraries of our various training sessions.
Affordable New Hire Orientation Materials
The costs of interviewing and selecting new employees can quickly climb when there are either too many or too few well-qualified candidates. Given that you've already invested heavily into this decision making process, you should be able to find some savings in your new hire orientation efforts. All of the assessments, surveys and tools that SmartMoves provides to make employee orientation more effective have been priced competitively for your convenience.
Even the interviewing skill training described above and our executive coaching programs are priced right so that you can move your business forward without dragging down your bottom line. In addition to being affordable in terms of dollars and cents, these tools and programs are also extremely efficient, allowing you to cut costs from a time investment standpoint.